Thursday, October 24, 2019

An Inside to the World of Heart Specialists in Kolkata

Who is a Cardiologist?

A cardiologist is a doctor with special skill & training in finding, treating and preventing diseases of blood vessels and heart. Heart Specialists in Kolkata receives extensive education and training including 4 years at the medical school and then 3 years training in internal medicine. After which they spend another 3 years in specialized training.

When Should You See a Heart specialist in Kolkata?

If a general physician feels that you have something significant with your heart then you should take the help of a cardiologist. Symptoms like breathlessness, chest pains, and dizzy spells are the signs of a poor heart. Sometimes the murmurs of heart, often known as ECG, needs an evaluation by a cardiologist. Cardiologists also counsel patients about the risks and prevention of heart diseases. Cardiologists are involved in the treatment of heart attacks, severe heart rhythm failures, and heart failures. Their opinion and skills matter the most whenever a decision regarding cardiac catheterization, balloon angioplasty, and heart surgery is required.

What Do Cardiologists Do? 

When cardiologists meet a patient, they would first review the medical history of the patient. Then they perform a physical examination which often includes blood pressure, heart, lungs, weight, and blood vessels. Some issues might be diagnosed by the general physician already. Additional tests such as ECG, blood test, X-ray might be performed based on the results. Cardiologists also recommend lifestyle changes or medicines based on the requirement of each patient.

What Test Might Be Performed?

  • Ambulatory ECGIt is a recording of during a course of activities to look for abnormal heart rhythm. 
  • Exercise Test: A study to measure the heart’s limitations and performance
  • Cardiac Catheterization: A test that uses a small tube that is placed close to the heart to take pictures and see how the heart working. 
  • Echocardiogram: It is a sound wave picture to look at the structure and functioning of the heart.

What Question Should You Ask Your Cardiologists?

Before choosing the Best Cardiologist in Kolkata, you should ask questions to him/her. If you have an angiogram then you should see the pictures and also ask your cardiologist to explain what each picture means.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Signs of Heart Attack – Explained by Cardiologist

What are the signs of a heart attack? Signs of heart attack range from the most classic sign of feeling like an elephant sitting on your chest with sweating and arm and jaw pain to less classical signs of a heart attack such as back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations, indigestion, dizziness, and passing out.

The key takeaway points from this blog are that if any kind of heart attack occurs, every second count when it's coming to obtaining an emergent evaluation. This the piece will give you an in-depth study of heart attack and educate about the signs of a heart attack.

Signs of Heart Attack May Differ in Women

Signs of a heart attack may differ in women. A typical symptom like chest pain, women experience other atypical symptoms more frequently than men. This has led to many disparities in giving care to patients. Healthcare professional needs to be educated in this matter and patients also need to be vigil about this. Whereas men experience chest pain as a sign of a heart attack, women suffer from back pain, jaw pain, neck pain, nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations, indigestion, dizziness and passing out.

Chest Pain That May Radiate

Chest pain is the most common sign of a heart attack. The pain may radiate to the neck and jaw and the arms. These signs are known as angina. These symptoms will often occur with exertion or emotional distress and go away with the rest. If these symptoms last more than a few minutes then the diagnosis is not considered stable angina and one should seek help.


Sweating, in medical term diaphoresis is a well-known sign of heart attack. Sweating may occur with or without chest pain, and may occur with other non-chest pain symptoms in a heart attack such as arm pain, jaw pain, shortness of breath and such.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is another sign of a heart attack. This occurs as a manifestation of heart failure caused by heart muscle dysfunction from the heart attack.

Passing Out

Passing out maybe a sign of heart attack and as with other symptoms can occur in isolation - opined by a cardiologist in Kolkata. It may be due to a number of reasons that include a dangerous heart rhythm and low blood pressure. If passing out occurs in a patient with any of the above symptoms then prompt attention is needed.

 New Palpitations  

Though palpitations are not associated with heart attack but top cardiologist in Kolkata thinks those newly occur in conjunction with chest pain, sweating, and shortness of breath combined is certainly concerning.


Shock referred to as here is the process where the body is unable to compensate for the effects of a heart attack. The best cardiologist in Kolkata generally means shock as the insufficient output of the heart what the body needs. In general, shock would be associated with a pretty large heart attack.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Heart Health Tips for 2019 From Best Cardiologist in Kolkata

Health and wellness are at the top of many people’s lists. All forms of health, heart health included, require small steps, done consistently, to add up to big changes in your overall health. If getting serious about your heart health is on the list of things you want to do in 2019, consider implementing some of these heart health tips. In this article, Dr. S. Mani – the best cardiologist in Kolkata, is offering the tips that will keep the health of your heart well and good. As a renowned cardiologist in Kolkata, he holds a prestigious position among the heart specialists in Kolkata. Here are his tips:

Pay Attention

Prevention is the key to catching any potential health problems with enough time to treat them properly, but a lot of prevention comes from simply being more in tune with your body. Get to know the signs that something’s wrong not by searching symptoms on the internet, but by sitting with your body and understanding how it feels when things are going well, and what things your body does that feels like red flags. If you can listen to what you’re body’s saying a little more closely, you’re putting yourself in a good position to nip a lot of health problems in the bud before they get a chance to grow into larger problems that require more invasive solutions.

Kick the Habit

If you’re a smoker, now is the time to stop. If you’re serious about heart health then you have to kick the habit once and for all. The minute you stop smoking, your risk of heart disease decreases, and that impact compounds over time. Of course, that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the health benefits you’ll reap if you stop smoking, but it’s a pretty good place to start.

Get Your Groove On

Any amount of exercise is beneficial for heart health, but if you’re looking for a way to make it a little more fun, - try dancing. This could be a class like Zumba or another dance-specific class, a night out on the town with your favorite friends, or simply letting loose in your living room for a little while, whatever kind of dancing calls your name. It’s about more than just burning calories when it comes to getting your groove on, it’s also about the endorphins that connecting to your body’s movement more fully provides. Finding forms of exercise that bring you joy as well as build strength is the key to creating a long-lasting fitness habit.

Find New Ways to Relax

Relaxation doesn’t look the same for everybody, and often it’s an evolving experiment as you grow. If your old ways of relaxing aren’t quite doing the trick anymore, it’s time to try something new. Maybe you need to dive back into reading fiction or prioritize going for walks outside every day. Maybe it’s quiet time listening to music and journaling or cooking your favorite meals without the stress of a recipe. Whatever soothes your worries and calms your frazzled nerves, lean into it. Keep note of what truly relaxes you so you can remember even when your stress levels are making it easy to forget.

Bid Sodium Farewell

Diet plays a huge part in heart health, and sodium is a big area for improvement for many Americans. We’re not asking you to completely forgo it, a certain amount of salt in your diet is beneficial to keep electrolyte levels properly balanced, but cutting back is in the best interest of most people.

Brush Them Real Good

Believe it or not, oral hygiene can be a large indicator of (and factor that plays into) your overall health. Yes, that includes your heart health. Taking your oral hygiene seriously is just another way to stay committed to overall health and wellbeing. At a minimum, you should be heading to the dentist’s twice a year for checkups in order to catch any problems as quickly as possible. You should also be brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing for optimum gum health.

Think Outside the Box

There are so many ways to work on your health, and some of them will be extremely personal to you. From stress relief tactics to the kinds of exercises that bring you joy, making health and fitness a lasting lifestyle requires taking all the advice you hear and molding it into something that works for you. Get creative, and try new things until you find the ones that really stick! And always remember, if you’re planning on making major shifts in your exercise regimen and daily diet, we recommend checking with your physician first.